Doing SEO in a large metropolitan area like New York City is actually more complicated than you would think. For one thing, you actually have to have a really thorough understanding of the different neighborhoods in Manhattan, which is almost impossible if you have never lived here.   If you hire a person to do SEO for your hotel which is located in SOHO, for example, you want to make really sure that the person knows where that is and knows what clientele you want, where SOHO is and what surrounds it, what restaurants and touristy things are over there, etc.   That person needs to know what to say, where to link, and (even before the actual SEO work starts) what keyword research to conduct to generate “buyer keywords,” the keywords that are going to get you paying customers.

Since SEO is complicated and New York City is complicated, search engine optimization in this city needs to be sophisticated enough to get you what you want, which is more customers.

Our SEO service is tailored to your neighborhood and your specific business and we are long-time residents of NYC, so we know we can help you succeed. Whether you are looking to pull customers from your local area (like our favorite NYC dermatologist client), or you’re outside the city and are looking for the wealthy weekenders (like our vet/ dog boarding facility in Greenwich), you’re going to need keyword research, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO (backlinks) that are well-written, niche specific, and have an overall strategy.   Overall, you are better off doing NO search engine optimization to your site rather than having it done poorly, so we would really love to talk to you before you get started.

Contact us today for a quote—we are longtime residents (as well as writers) and we actually know what we are doing!